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Le StudioNamasteYoga de Soissons
Cours de Yoga - Pilates - Ateliers - Stages - Retraites - Formations

CROATIE - Mokro Polje
Du 5 au 11 juillet 2025
7 jours de bien-être dans un lieu authentique, reculé de l'agitation extérieure. Ressourcez-vous au travers de la pratique journalière du Yoga et de la Méditation.
Découvrez la culture Croate, sa nature authentique, sa cuisine traditionnelle, mais églement des moments de repos et de reconnection pour une immersion pleine de sens.
A :
567€ hébergement OFFERT
HathaYoga and its benefits
HathaYoga is the most widely practiced form of Yoga in the world. It is gentle, non-competitive Yoga.
The postures are performed and held for 5 breaths. It is practiced gently and slowly.
You don't have to be flexible ... you become flexible by practicing HathaYoga
A strengthened skeleton and joints - Decrease in back problems
A clearer mind - Better stress management - Less anxiety
Better quality of sleep - More flexibility
YinYoga and its benefits
YinYoga is gentle yoga. The practice focuses on connective tissue.
The gentle stretch is held for several minutes, giving the muscles time to stretch.
You don't have to be flexible ... you become flexible by practicing YinYoga
Stimulates the production of collagen helping to rebuild joints and ligaments
Improves flexibility and suppleness - Strengthens connective tissue
Provides a feeling of calm by eliminating the stress of everyday life
Stimulates the circulation of energy
YogaLates and its benefits
YogaLates is a practice halfway between yoga and Pilates.
The class is composed of yoga postures and Pilates movements.
It alternates in perfect harmony of energies, sometimes deep muscle strengthening exercises,
then phases of relaxation and stretching followed by traditional Yoga asanas.
The method encompasses the entire musculoskeletal chain.
Fusion between Yoga and Pilates, YogaLates encompasses the main methods of both practices:
balance, flexibility and introspection in Yoga and toning, strengthening and awareness in Pilates.
The main objectives of a course are muscle building, flexibility and meditation towards well-being.
Vinyasa Yoga and its benefits
Vinyasa is a term in Sanskrit which means synchronization of movement with the breath.
Vinyasa Yoga is a sequence of very dynamic movements, held 5 breaths.
Synchronized breathing relaxes the mind and helps eliminate energy blockages
The dynamics of movement heats the body and helps eliminate toxins
The best form of yoga to tone your body and refine your silhouette
Revitalizes and rebalances muscle chains
Warning: this yoga requires not to have any serious pathology (shoulders, knees, hips, hernia, osteoarthritis)
Pilates and its benefits
Set of exercises for strengthening the deep muscles those closest to the joints
The pace remains gentle but the muscular commitment is real.
The practice of PILATES strengthens the back and improves everyday postures
Strengthens deep muscles - Harmoniously refines the silhouette
It is also a great breathing exercise
Ashtanga and its benefits
Chaining of codified postures, gradual rise in difficulty. Rigorous and invigorating practice.
Perfect synchronization between each movement and a specific breath called "Ujjayi"
A sculpted silhouette - A fluidized blood circulation - A toned heart muscle
Builds strength and endurance - Detoxifies the body and stabilizes the nervous system
Increased concentration
Warning: Ashtanga is an evolving but rigorous practice, avoid starting yoga with this practice. Introduce yourself first to Hatha yoga and then to Vinyasa yoga. Unless you have a physical condition that allows it.
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