Niveau Débutant (cependant avoir une bonne condition physique de base)
Planning Mysore Style
For lack of participants the Mysore style are canceled.
The Ashtanga Yoga program
What is Ashtanga Yoga? :
Created by the Indian master Pattabhi Joïs in the 1950s, Asthanga is a dynamic and quite demanding yoga.
Indeed, the order in which the postures (Asanas) are practiced is immutable and it is not necessary to mark the slightest stop between the postures but to link them with the help of "transitions" (dynamic movements of connection like a small jump for example). Finally, the sweating generated during the practice allows the body to detoxify itself.
Ashtanga Yoga is a traditional form of yoga. It is a dynamic and meditative yoga based on the coordination of the breath and the movement (Vinyasa), supported by a specific breathing (Ujjayi Pranayama) engaging the internal locks (Bandhas) and the direction of the gaze (Drishti), in a fluid sequence and rhythmic.
The term Ashtanga comes from the Sanskrit "asta", eight, and "anga", members or parts.
These eight members evoke the eight founding principles of Ashtanga:
- Self-restriction,
- Compliance,
- Physical practice,
- Breathing,
- Control of the senses,
- Concentration,
- meditation
- Self-realization.
The particularity of Ashtanga yoga is that it consists of a fixed sequence of postures, made up of six series. The first series is the easiest and the sixth the most demanding. In each set, the yoga postures are always the same and you do them smoothly and practice it 6 days a week for years.
Physical practice and breathing are at the center of Ashtanga, which aims to synchronize your breath with your movements.
Philosophy :
Ashtanga means Eight (Asht-) Members (-Anga) in Sanskrit. This refers to the classical system of yoga expounded by Patanjali describing the eight stages or branches of yoga, leading to self-realization, which are: Yama (moral code), Niyama (self purification and study), Asana (postures), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (sense control) Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), Samadhi (contemplation)
Course structure:
Sun Salutation A
Sun Salutation B
Postures upright
Sitting postures
End postures
Unguided Savasana (relaxation posture)
The physical benefits:
The Ashtanga Yoga relaxes muscles and the entire body. Daily practice increases flexibility, strength, tone and balance. Practiced regularly and over the long term, this yoga can relieve back pain, reduce hypertension and promote a healthy lifestyle.
The psychological benefits:
Ashtanga Yoga makes it possible to fight effectively against stress and overwork by controlling breathing. This Yoga has the advantage of calming the mind and increasing concentration. The repetition of the postures allows them to be deepened and meditate on the move. Regular practice of this yoga reduces emotional reactions and the negative effects of stress. It harmoniously combines body and mind.
In order to evolve in your practice of Ashtanga Yoga,
here is the "Ashtanga Yoga Program"
that StudioNamasteYoga offers you
Weekly class on Saturday at 11:00 am (duration 1h30 - see "prices" page)
This course is intended for a "guided" practice (*) of the series
The teacher guides and aligns the student with each posture
As a support, the student has at his disposal, in front of his mat, the plate of the defined postures that will be performed during the practice. As well as the tools (bricks, straps)
The teacher will state:
- The number of the posture to be performed
- The Sanskrit name of the Asanas (postures)
- The Dristhi (direction of gaze)
(*) "Guided" practice : It is a course guided by the teacher, the emphasis is on the importance given to vinyasas, the fluidity of movement and the connection with the breath. It is a class which gives challenges to the students, as they are invited to respect the flow of the class, to take care of their own body in the postures with very little detailed instructions.
The detail technical postures are acquired in part during thematic Ashtanga Yoga classes on certain Saturdays apm (see page "theme class schedule"). Remember to book these courses in advance to ensure your place
it is recommended for those who already practice the "Mysore Style" (*) to respect the rhythm of the course in guided practice by the teacher and not anticipate the following postures without the teacher's diction and so to practice with ego control.
To come up... :
Will come in this weekly class on Saturday morning (schedule to be defined) sessions of "Mysore Style" (*) reserved for students already initiated to the practice.
(*) Practice "Mysore Style" : It is a course where each one practices at the rate of his own breathing and his capacities. The teacher is there to help you if you forget something, gives you personal advice, which is not always possible in a guided lesson. You also have the posture plate in front of your mat.
The thematic course certain Saturday apm (duration 1h30 see "Planning theme courses" and "prices")
This course is intended for the technical study of the postures defined in series 1 in order to be able to follow with more ease the Ashtanga Yoga in Guided Practice and Ashtanga Yoga Mysore Style course on Saturday morning.
Technical and detailed study of each posture:
- Entering the posture
- The very alignment of posture
- The exit from the posture
- The fluid connection between the postures
Learning :
- Mantras ("song" in Sanskrit) of opening and closing.
- names of postures in Sanskrit (ancient Indian language)
- Ujjayi breathing (slight contraction of the larynx)
- the positioning of the Dristhis (direction of gaze)
We look forward to seeing you at StudioNamasteYoga for this magnificent practice that is Ashtanga Yoga. .
Limited places (11) Remember to reserve to ensure your place.
Bring : small terry towel